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Step-by-Step Guide for Getting a Cell Tower on Your Property

Step-by-Step Guide for Getting a Cell Tower on Your Property

Step-by-Step Guide for Getting a Cell Tower on Your Property

Step-by-Step Guide for Getting a Cell Tower on Your Property… Okay. Maybe you’ve noticed a new cell tower in your city, or you’ve heard from a friend who has rented their property to a cell company for a handsome profit.

With rapid 5G deployment, there’s a massive demand for cell towers, and new ones are popping up all over the country. The biggest benefit of getting a cell tower on your property is that it provides you with a steady stream of passive revenue for years to come. This guide explains how to set up a deal for a cell tower on your property.

How to Get a Cell Tower on Your Property

Here’s a step-by-step guide to getting a cell tower on your property and earning rental income:

1. Be Proactive 

If your property is located in an area that has poor cellular network coverage, the chances are that wireless carriers are need coverage in your area. Does your cell phone have poor reception? Bingo… they probably could use a tower nearby. However, if that doesn’t happen, you don’t have to wait to be approached. Instead, take proactive measures to capture the attention of cell tower companies.

Zoning restricts cell phone towers from being built in some areas. Check with your local county zoning office, pull up the ordinance online, or research online to find out if you can have a cell tower on your property. Once you have determined that your property meets the local code, the next step is to reach out to cell tower companies and carriers and tell them about your property.

2. Check the Competition

Has a cell tower company installed a tower in your neighborhood recently? If so, the carrier might not be interested in investing in another one in the vicinity if it’s at least one mile away. If there is another cell tower within a radius of half a mile in an urban area, one mile in suburban neighborhoods, or three miles in a rural area, chances are that you might be out of luck. Check the coverage maps of the three big carriers to locate the tower nearest to you. Look into the towers for:

If you notice that coverage is limited in your neighborhood, move on to the next steps.

3. Advertise Your Property

Here are a few ways to let cell tower companies know you’re interested in setting up a cell tower on your land.

  • Hang a “For Rent” sign on your property. Your neighbors will love you.
  • Attend local county meetings and check if there are any representatives of cell tower companies attending these meetings.
  • If you have the budget, you can pay $149 to have someone submit your property location and your contact info to several carriers and tower companies go to:

You can also become your own “get a cell tower on my land” headhunter or recruiter, by going on LinkedIn and searching for Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, DISH Wireless AND Real estate manager, real estate site acquisition, network engineer, RF radio frequency engineer, and city to state.

4. Be Patient

A cell tower lease doesn’t happen overnight. You might have to wait weeks or months OR DECADES for cell tower companies to notice you.

Chances are that you probably won’t get a cell tower on your land. The odds are about 1 in 1,000. If you want a cell tower on your property, go out and buy a property or commercial building that already has an active lease. You can find them at any day of the week.


Read valuable articles, blogs and research papers about the Pittsburgh real estate industry –The author is a real estate expert and an experienced writer himself.

Carriers & Tower Companies Have Their Hired Guns. Shouldn't You?

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7 responses to “Step-by-Step Guide for Getting a Cell Tower on Your Property

  1. I have a property off a main road that I think would be suitable for a Cell Phone tower. I need some assistance navigating to see if I would be eligible to get one installed. The property address is 11847 EAST HIGHWAY 24 Peyton Colorado.

  2. I have a small lot (.65 acre) in Lee County Alabama. I am interested in leasing for installation of a cell tower. I have contacted the commissioners office and there no restrictions in reguards to zoning laws or city ordanances to keep this from happening. I need professional leadership and guidance to make this happen.

  3. We have 53 acres and no Verizon cell service in our area. Att is is the only cell company that has service in our area

  4. Have you worked with Sub Carrier Communications? I have 20 acres in the UP of Michigan and cell service would be a Godsend.

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