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Picture of a rooftop cell site

How to Use a Cell Tower Lease Calculator?

Image of Steve Kazella, Partner at Tower Genius LLC, with a large cell tower in the background and a cell tower lease calculator in the forefront of the image, asking the questions"how to use a cell tower lease calculator?" -- to determine cell tower rent value.
Should I use a cell tower lease calculator to determine the proper cell tower rent value?
Cell tower lease calculator infographic that is humorous, telling readers that all cell tower calculators are garbage and not to rely on them. Talk to an expert instead at Tower Genius.
Our research has shown that 4 out of 5 cell site lease experts with cell site lease calculators on their websites are not smarter than a 6th grader. Use cell phone tower rent calculators at your own risk, there is no substitute for Tower Genius’ 50+ years of cell phone tower lease expertise and our review of thousands of cell sites across the United States. Don’t leave your cell tower lease rent rate up to chance, it is not a guessing game. Cellular site lease values are determined on an individual site-by-site basis and never by using a calculator.

Maybe you are looking for a cell tower lease calculator because you have been contacted by a cellular carrier like DISH Wireless, Verizon Wireless, AT&T, T-Mobile, or US Cellular to lease rooftop space at your building and you are trying to determine how to calculate the value and lease rates? Or perhaps you’ve received a letter from a real estate site acquisition company or representative working for one of the above-mentioned wireless carriers or from a cell phone tower developer building cell phone towers for them, and they want to lease a portion of your land for a cell phone tower? Or maybe you already have a cell site or a cellular tower on your property and they are looking to add more antennae or expand and they need more space, or they want to renew the lease and you need to figure out what the cell site lease rate should be in your area? So you start looking around the internet for a cell tower lease rate calculator and you might have found a few “professional looking” websites that have a calculator-looking thing embedded on their page entitled “cell tower calculator” or something similar. Interestingly, two of these calculators are identical, somebody we suppose probably borrowed it from somebody else. With all our years of higher education, we could not figure out how to operate it. And it didn’t calculate anything.

Cell Tower Lease Calculator   How To Maximize the Rent and Value
We have researched all the cell tower lease rate calculators on the internet and we are confident that this is the best way to use one.

“What’s My Cell Tower Rent Rate ?”

  • Did you get an offer for a new cell site on your land or a new cell site on your rooftop and you have questions? Your lawyer, real estate agent friend, or uncle won’t know the answers either.
  • We can provide land owners cellular tower and cell site landlords with cell site lease valuation consultation to help you determine the best way forward if you’ve been contacted with an offer.
  • Our lease rate consultation can provide answers regarding how your site-specific cell site lease rate is calculated so you can be confident when negotiating.

“I Need Cell Tower Lease Expert’s Help.”

  • We can help you with the initial coaching and guidance you need to start your negotiation, and then give you and your attorney site-specific recommendations and guidance if needed.
  • Our cell tower lease review, coaching, and consultation service can help you to protect your interests and maximize the value of your cell phone tower or cell site lease agreement.
  • We work closely with our property owner and landlord clients and their attorneys (if you have one) to make sure you are always negotiating on a level playing field.


Rule #1.

Forget the cell tower lease calculator call the cell site lease experts at Tower Genius.


Here is the 10-second cell phone tower rent offer and lease rate B.S. (bravo Sierra) detection, calculation, and evaluation method you need to start with if you are evaluating a high-pressure cell site rent proposal that sounds threatening or intimidating. If the consultant is pretending to work for Verizon Wireless, T-Mobile, AT&T, or another carrier, but has an email address with that carrier’s name, and uses the words, “rent guarantee”, “lease optimization”, “value to our network”, “lease modification”, “termination rights”, “Right of First Refusal” or other phrases, and they have a local area code in the San Diego, California or Dallas, Texas area, they are almost 99% certainly not working for the carrier. They are one of two companies I won’t mention by name, and they are probably trying to lock you into a terrible one-sided rent reduction or rent guarantee lease amendment, with the sublet threat of exercising their termination rights if you don’t agree to their offer.

* If your cell tower lease consultant gives you an “average rent” or a “rental range”, they are amateurs, reading off of a script.

* If your tower lease consultant tells you values are calculated by square feet, they are working for the carriers or tower companies.

These “cell tower lease consultants” work for the carriers and cell tower companies and it is very hard to tell who they are. You can always search for them on Linked In and you will usually get your answer there if they have a profile. These rent reduction companies are like mold and mildew. You can throw some bleach on them, and they go away for a while, but they will always come back and keep calling to reduce the rent. So when they call you, turn the table on them and ask them, how exactly did you calculate this “optimized lease rate” that you want me to agree to? Ask them to explain to you how cell tower rent values are determined and we would love to hear from you about what they tell you. Ask them to show you their rent calculator. Most of them will get nervous and they will not be able to go “off script”. It might prevent them from calling you back for a few months.


Negotiating a cell tower contract might be the biggest financial transaction in your life. Don’t take chances and definitely don’t trust your cell tower lease to some Yahoo who claims to have a cell tower lease rent calculator on their website (namely all of our competitors) and then you find out it isn’t a calculator after all. Yes, this page is written with a bit of humor but we hope you got the point. We can help answer your questions and make sure your lease is reviewed and negotiated properly with our consulting and coaching service.

Bogged Down in Negotiations and Need to Use our World-Famous Cell Tower Calculator?

The world famous Tower Genius cell tower lease rental rate calculator. 888-313-9750. cell tower lease calculator
Call Tower Genius at 1-888-313-9750. In our 50+ years of combined cell tower leasing experience, we have never used a cell tower lease calculator. Neither should you.

Contact Tower Genius about a cell tower rent calculation or offer that you have received.

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“Towering genius disdains a beaten path. It seeks regions hitherto unexplored.” — Abraham Lincoln

“LEASE VALUE CALCULATOR FORMULA = What they want you to know ÷ WHAT WE KNOW”

- Kevin Donohue, Managing Partner

Tower Genius

“The best way to establish long term value for clients is to do today’s work superbly well.”  

- Steve Kazella, Founding Partner

Tower Genius

 “The only thing uglier than an ugly cell tower, is an ugly cell tower lease agreement.” 

- Steve Kazella, Founding Partner

Tower Genius

“We’re not saying that we are the best cell tower lease experts in the United States, we’re just stating the obvious, that we haven’t spoken with any that were smarter.”

- Kevin F. Donohue, Managing Partner

Tower Genius

Need Help? Call Us!
1-(888) 313-9750